What Is Chromotherapy? Explaining This Wellness Ritual

In the past few years, wellness practices such as sauna, hammam, and the Kneipp effect have started to become more popular, meaning that these once-niche practices and interests have entered the mainstream. More people than ever know the benefits of a cold plunge, or the difference between Infrared and traditional saunas, but there are still a few rituals that can improve your wellness experience that you may not yet be aware of. One of these is chromotherapy.

What Is Chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy is therapy through different light frequencies, or colors. Though unproven, chromotherapy, is said to restore balance to both your mind and body, because of the different vibration frequencies that each color is said to emit. Our bodies and minds react to different colors uniquely and makes us feel a certain way, so that chromotherapy can be said to ease stress or tension and promote greater mental health overall.

How Can I Take Advantage of Chromotherapy?

In traditional wellness settings like a spa, oftentimes chromotherapy will be incorporated into treatment rooms or cabins like a sauna or a steam room, or even with an experience shower, pools, tunnels, and more. Chromotherapy is often utilized in conjunction with these experiences in order to enhance the overall mood of the users and heighten the wellness effects from the heat, steam, or water experience.

Effe Steam and Sauna Systems with Chromotherapy

Utilizing chromotherapy with Effe’s line of sauna or steam systems is very easy, since all of Effe’s offerings feature the option for built-in chromotherapy. Maybe you’re interested in a Yoku sauna, a BodyLove SH integrated cabin, or in converting your home shower into a steam shower—all of these products can be ordered with chromotherapy lights built in, so you can enhance your home wellness experience with the exact same materials and technology used by the most luxurious spas in the world. Contact us today to learn more.